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Health Articles

Find out how liposomal high-performance supplements can improve your health. From vitamin C, the undisputed king of vitamins to Acetyl L-Carnitine the fat burning energy booster.

  • The 6 Important Roles of Vitamin C

    The 6 Important Roles of Vitamin C


    It is assumed by many that vitamin C is only required in tiny amounts sufficient to prevent scurvy. It is true that this vitamin C-deficiency disease spawned the chemical name ascorbate for vitamin C. Ascorbate literally means “against scurvy.” Were this its only function, the RDA for vitamin C would be sufficient for most people on the planet. But, there’s vastly more it can do.

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  • 5 questions about nutrients you have always wanted to ask…

    5 questions about nutrients you have always wanted to ask…


    We know that many of you are looking for authoritative answers to their questions about nutrients. Here are answers to some of the most important questions people are asking.

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  • How vitamin C supports the immune system.

    How vitamin C supports the immune system.


    Vitamin C is thought to be one of the essential nutrients during the winter months. Studies have some that vitamin C enhances the production of white blood cells that that help to protect the bodies cells.

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  • Glutathione – The Master Detoxifier

    Glutathione – The Master Detoxifier


    If you value your health, you should worship your liver! This amazing organ is a powerhouse of activity performing over 500 functions daily to preserve your health and wellbeing. None of this is possible without the master detoxifier Glutathione.

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  • Liposomal Vitamin C

    Liposomal Vitamin C


    The field of supplements is an ever-growing dynamic industry offering a broad range of ingredients that have established health benefits. Understandably the ingredients, quality, formula and treatment benefits are of utmost importance but these are worthless if the routes of administration, absorption and bio-availability of supplements are not effective in the body.

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  • How Does Alpha Lipoic Acid Work?

    How Does Alpha Lipoic Acid Work?


    Alpha lipoic acid (otherwise known as ALA) is a powerful supplement that fights against free radical cells in your body. These are cells which have unpaired electrons – that will attack other molecules in order to achieve stability. When you they do this, it will damage the DNA of these molecules and spread disease.

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  • Abundance and Health Products Receiving Attention in Top Magazines and Websites

    Abundance and Health Products Receiving Attention in Top Magazines and Websites


    The word is getting out about Abundance and Health products and they have been receiving high profile coverage in some of the top magazines and websites. The products have been used by well-known celebrities and are getting some high praise.

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  • Are You Vitamin C Deficient? Here Are Some Warning Signs

    Are You Vitamin C Deficient? Here Are Some Warning Signs


    Many people think of scurvy as a disease that sailors used to get back in the 18h century, caused by a lack of vitamin C due to long voyages without any access to citrus fruits. However, you might be very surprised to know that scurvy is more popular in modern times that you would think.

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  • An Introduction to Antioxidants – How Do They Work?

    An Introduction to Antioxidants – How Do They Work?


    You have read about antioxidants in countless newspaper articles, blogs and health magazines – but do you really understand what an anti-oxidant is? According to a recent study by nutritional products company MonaVie, 92% of Americans cannot give an accurate description of what an antioxidant is.

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  • Remarkable Benefits of Liposomal Glutathione

    Remarkable Benefits of Liposomal Glutathione


    The chances are that you haven’t heard of glutathione. However, it is much more important to your health than you might realise. In fact, glutathione (also known as GSH) is so vital to your health that all of the anti-oxidants and vitamins you consume will not work without it.

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  • Lypo-spheric Vitamin C for sports people

    Lypo-spheric Vitamin C for sports people


    As someone who played a lot of sport in her youth I ‘hung out’ with lots of other sporty people. Many of those went on to achieve great things. In fact many of those have played sport at a national level, be that cricket, field hockey or even dragon-boat racing.

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  • Benefits of liposomal Vitamin C, Altrient Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C - LivOn Labs

    Benefits of liposomal Vitamin C, Altrient Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C - LivOn Labs


    An article on the benefits of  Altrient Lypo-spheric Vitamin C by Freelance Nutrition Consultant and Writer Jenny Tschiesche BSc (hons) Dip ION FdSc mBANT CNHC Registered:Most people, however poor their nutrition knowledge have some idea that Vitamin C is ‘good’ for them. In fact some weeks I feel that it is banded about so much that we’ve become blasé about it.

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Showing 61 to 72 of 178 (15 Pages)

